Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The dog days of summer...

Listening to: Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen
via FoxyTunes Michael Vick...

A case many of us who believe in animal rights have been following since the beginning.
It's sad, it's horrible, it's tragic, and yet, it happens all too often. There are people out there that don't see the wrong in what has gone on here. People out there that actually consider this cruelty a sport and don't have any problem with it. It's just a natural part of life. If that's the case, why don't we hunt each other for sport, or better yet, for food! That's a natural part of life for some cultures.
The words Atrocity and Genocide comes to mind.
NAMBLA and many white supremest groups argue their way is just natural way of life too.
I'm sure the government in Myanmar thinks the protests are disrupting the natural way of life in Burma.
In reality there are a thousand different people with a thousand different thoughts, ideas, opinions, and interpretations of life. All making choices and decisions. Some do not stop to see that some choices we make may end up hurting the world around us. Others do not care.
Even me being an outspoken vegan is honestly another opinion, thought, or idea being shared.
Animals are living, breathing, and loving creatures. They feel joy and comfort and pain and suffering. Humanity seems so bent on the lord and master of all we survey, that all life on this planet is theirs to do with as they please. Choosing to play the master role oblivious or apathetic to the impact that everyone has on the environment. The role we share with nature, and the damage that can be done to not only to the beautiful creatures and plants that co-exist here, but the mechanisms itself of the planet that allows us life. At least the millions of us out there that do stand up to defend these ideas, thoughts, and opinions are here.

Which leads me to why I wanted to post in the first place...

Like Is said, I've been following this case since the beginning, have even been politically active, and this is the first bright spot I've seen since the indictment. In most cases, when an animal is deemed too dangerous to society it is euthanized. (Never mind the fact that a: the animal is doing as its been trained, or b: merely acting on instinct.) In this case however, these dogs may actually have a good chance at finding loving homes. After behavioral tests conducted in part by the ASPCA, only 1 of the 49 dogs seized will unfortunately have to be put down. In fact, many of these dogs have been suggested as having potential future in law enforcement, and with the publicity that has surrounded this case, they should have no problems finding good homes with caring and loving people. Nothing is finalized quite yet as things still will need to be approved by U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson, but from the sound of things, hopefully everything will go well for them. They surely deserve a chance at a full and happy life with companions who will care them.

I wish the best to these dogs and the people that may give them a place to call home.

Mmmmm.... Larro burgers. (LOL, had to do it)

Listening to: Solitude Aeturnus - Scent of Death
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

tina FCD said...

The guys a dick head!